Saturday, October 3, 2009

Banana Boy

Confidentiality has long lost its meaning in the world wide web. I hate and love it for its damage. It is a boon and bane to humanity. I know that Erin Andrews Peephole Video proves this true. I feel that nothing can escape the omniscience of the web. It's starting to freak out.

Monday, September 28, 2009

We need to help each other

Yes, after taking my Ondoy photos, I volunteered myself for SKapamilya in field and warehouse work.

It is very fulfilling!

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm gonna live my life

Like everyday is the last.

That's a very emo song.

It was actually played as a background music of the Erin Andrews peephole

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fighting Kung Fu


Crap. I just have to say Grey's Anatomy S06E01 torrent is so nice although it's sad since George died.

:) :(

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Underdogs

being a kid, i used to fight with my older brothers, and being the small kid that i am, i take pride in the fact the i always beat them. hahahaha. i cant wait to see all those underdogs win in the UFC 103 Live Stream. im expecting to see the unexpected, that is what great shows are made of!

Monday, September 14, 2009

DQ no more

I haven’t written in a long while, I miss it really. I have been swallowed whole by my case studies and exams that I almost forgot how to write a non-technical paper. This transformation is probably bringing a sense of fulfilment and pride to my parents and a relief to the world that has witnessed my delinquency.

Sometimes I wish I had the self-discipline athletes have. No boxer would come to the ring unprepared. Imagine one of them getting their ass kicked in the Marquez vs Mayweather. That would abruptly end a career, I'm sure.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Proactive for the next

It must have been the weather or perhaps the tiring weekday that got me early in bed. It's sad though, to miss out on UFC 101. But I know I needed that sleep badly. So to console my regretful soul is a price of pro-activeness for the upcoming UFC 102 Live. The excitement will definitely be as sensationalized as we watch the fight, in full glory.

Blog to Sanity

I know everyone is just as excited as me. If you plan to watch UFC 102 tonight. Do share your link. I'd like to believe that I'm not the only one dying to talk about it. Because seriously, people are clueless in my side of the world. Take that as a terrible thing. So please please please leave your blog for me to read. Do keep me sane.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Screw the Suit

Haven't you noticed that the best killjoy depiction of all time is not balloon popping but a man on a briefcase and that suit. It's true when they say, 'It's all fun and games until someone brings a briefcase.' Point is, we shouldn't suit up!